

Why Do We Do What We Do?

The Big “Why”

Too many of us live day to day in a flurry of tasks tha amount to little more that a burden. We’re disconnected and misdirected. We see our life is passing, and if we can admit it to ourselves, we feel that we’ve missed the point somewhere. The truth is, we don’t have to settle for survival mode, but… it does take courage and commitment to get out. Our escape begins with an honest exploration of why.

The “why” for each of us is rooted deeply within ourselves – in experiences, motivation, our personal wiring and more. Getting to the heart of this in order to define our personal mission is crucial. It’s where satisfying achievement begins.


I didn’t always believe. I’ve had my share of personal challenges and fears that held me back. To be honest, I spent a lot of time feeling alone as a young man. I thought success was out of reach. Fortunately, there were people in my life at crucial moments who helped me discover my strengths, face my fears, and conquer adversity. Ultimately, these people and experiences not only inspired me to expect more out of my life, they gave me the foundation to help others achieve meaningful success too.


For simplicity’s sake let’s jump into the story with a hard question that sounded simple. Some years ago, before I understood my own mission, one of my supporting influencers asked me straight out – what do you love? Easy pitch, right? Not so much. The ball took an unexpected curve when I realized that although I enjoyed working with a great company, I still knew intuitively my heart wasn’t in it. The question became a heads-up strike. In that moment I couldn’t answer it.

I didn’t like the feeling of not knowing. Like a pit in my stomach, it haunted me. I kept asking myself that question. I started writing things down. Two weeks later, my list was a page and a half. I kept refining it, reaching for the heart of what I loved, until finally I connected. For me it became clear that it’s about helping people win.

Of course, there’s history there, so let’s take a step back. A part of why I’m energized to help people win is because I’ve experienced not winning in the extreme. Growing up with learning disabilities, I really believed I was stupid. My father was an alcoholic. He abused us and abandoned our family when I was ten. The short version of the story is, I graduated from high school with very little confidence and no direction. I truly know what it’s like to feel under-prepared for life.

By the time I was twenty though, I had a mentor named Bob, and he challenged me to figure our what I wanted to do. Being the kind who needs challenges, I answered with the most impossible thing I could think of – college. “Then go,” Bob replied. “You’re smart enough and you can do it.” In that moment, Bob delivered exactly what I needed. A sense of strength, direction, and hope.

Bob was part of a pattern that emerged in my life. And it was a pattern that not only moved me forward, but it also helped define my eventual sense of mission.

Bob was a coach in more ways than one. He and others helped me recognize talents and abilities that I couldn’t see in myself. These key individuals challenged me to do things I wanted to do, but didn’t believe I could, and they helped me to see in myself what I couldn’t see on my own. They inspired and encouraged me to face my fears, overcome my doubts, step out into the unknownm, and live the life I was born to live.

So where are we now? Currently, I live my mission.

Individuals and businesses commonly experience a lack of clarity and a sense of being stuck. I understand that. But I understand the other side as well. And I don’t tell anyone what winning is to them. I ask them. The answer is different for everyone because everyone is different. My satisfaction is in assisting each person to a place of clarity where they can thrive with purpose and passion.

When people tell me they were struggling but now they feel home, and especially when I see their hopes becomes reality, I know I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to do. Help people win.

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By Phone: (208) 660-7727

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